Latest Episodes
PVP Gladiatorial Combat Arena (D&D, 5E)
Dusty, Brian and Mike talk PVP! Afraid of Player vs. Player combat at your table? So were we! So we decided to just go...
Haunted Tower! (Pathfinder, 1E: Beginner Box)
Dusty and Brian talk about another game created from Pathfinder Beginner Box. This game didn’t go like Dusty planned it out, and the players...
Mission from God! (Pathfinder, 1E: Beginner Box)
Dusty, and Mike return to Pathfinder to discuss the Mike-centered game, Mission from God! Just like all of our Pathfinder games, this based on...
Meeting Walter Korbitt! (Call of Cthulhu, 6E: The Haunting)
Dusty, Brian, and Mike are joined by Nathan to talk about The Haunting from the Call of Cthulu Quick Start Guide! Call of Cthulhu...
Exploring Sandpoint (Pathfinder, 1E: Beginner Box)
Dusty and Mike talk about getting revenge on the “farmer” who set the band of adventurers up in the previous game. Paizo, publisher of...
D100 Star Wars! (Basic Roleplaying, D100: Escape From Earthport)
Dusty, Brian, and Mike talk about what is both their first Chaosium d100 game, and their first Sci-Fi adventure! It’s Escape from Earthport from...