Dusty interviews Brian and Mike about their Savage Worlds game at Mace 2017! Brian and Mike thought they were playing a Gummi Bears game, maybe they should read the game description a little more closely.
Dusty and Brian talk about another game created from Pathfinder Beginner Box. This game didn’t go like Dusty planned it out, and the players...
Tanner talks to Dusty about the 5th Edition D&D game he’s running for his home group. Monster Manual on a Business Card: https://www.blogofholding.com/?p=7338 Ironsworn...
Dusty and Brian catch up after a long hiatus; then Chris and Nathan give Dusty feedback on session 2… Vampire, The Masquerade Quickstart: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/55733...