Latest Episodes
East Texas University, Part 2! (Savage Worlds)
Dusty, Brian, and Mike return to their East Texas University adventure with game #2! This game was full of challenges, and fun. Unlike game...
Martin's Game (Castles & Crusades)
Dusty shares his experiences in our friend’s game! Somehow we tie in Skyrim, Orson Scott Card, diversity of thought, and the monkey’s paw… Troll...
Beginner Box Campaign: A Data-Driven Retrospective (Pathfinder, 1E: Beginner Box)
Dusty, Brian, and Mike do a data-driven post-mortem on their Pathfinder Beginner Box campaign! Dusty mined his post-game recap e-mails to take a look...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! (D&D, 5E)
Dusty, Brian, and Mike talk about their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle adventure! The guys tried to introduce D&D to a good friend with some...
East Texas University, Part 1! (Savage Worlds)
Dusty, Brian, and Mike discuss the first game in their Savage Worlds Campaign, it’s East Texas University! A challenging time, between issues with Skype,...
Playing RPGs with Kids! (World of Dungeons)
Dusty, Brian, and Mike talk about a recent game Dusty played with his daughter. RPGing with your kids, or young family members, can be...