Dusty and Brian talk about The Tower of Waiting, our first attempt with BFRPG homebrew. This didn’t go well.
Dusty, and Brian are once again joined by Tanner, from the “Shadow of the Cabal” actual play podcast! We continue our foray into Rokugan!...
We streamed session zero of our Drakkenland Campaign. Troll Lord Games, publishers of Castles & Crusades: https://trolllord.com
Dusty and Tanner discuss the first session of their three-part Carnival of Crime mini-campaign in Mutants & Masterminds! Carnival of Crime, Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pDz9vxtWEGHk_Vl-GdlJgwegNtSYWOzl/view?usp=drive_link...